Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby birds livin la vida geraniums!

Well, I can't tell for sure how many there are, but it looks like maybe 2 of the 3 eggs hatched. Mama Bird flies off every time I come out on the patio so now I don't go out there much because I feel bad. Dang birds are holding my patio hostage!
Anyway, I had to go out there to battle one of the overgrown privets and she flew off. I decided since she was away for a few minutes, I'd try and add a little bit of water, since I'd like for my geraniums to not die, even if it is now a avian nursery. They are apparently pretty new to life outside the egg, since they don't move much and the don't chirp. In fact, I wasn't even sure they were alive until I saw them move their heads a bit.
I hope they get big soon... I want to cook out on Memorial Day.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My new birdhouse... er... motel

Here is my new birdhouse. Leigh and I were at Prairie Fest in Fort Worth today (she was working the Best Friends Animal Society booth) and I found this place with these cool birdhouses. The guy who does them is named Robert Castro and he's a Fort Worth artist that designs these crazy retro birdhouses. His site is Hyperlink to He has some pretty cool designs.

I think I talked him into possibly designing some bathouses as well!

Weird places birds build nests

A few weeks ago, I bought a plant with some flowers on it ( geranium ivy, I think). The weather was crazy and so I couldn't hang it for awhile (too cold). I finally put it up on Easter weekend and then the flowers all died. Oh well. Here's the plant:

Later, I saw this bird couple hanging out in the plant and pulling stems and leaves out. Apparently, my yard is prime bird real estate and these two had trouble finding a spot to nest. So they used my hanging plant. We noticed that the female was hanging out in the plant more often so this evening, while she was out and about, I took a peek at what was going on. Here's what I found: